Playing I Spy is a favorite way to Tiny Parent because:

you can do it anywhere
you don’t need anything special to play it 
kids love it 
And… it’s a really fun way to build in some learning

With toddlers, start up with something simple like ‘I spy the letter S.’ As they get older, you can add a little more challenge and ask things like ‘I spy something that starts with the letter S’ or ‘I spy something that starts with the SSSS sound.’ You can go from ‘I spy the number 5’ to asking preschoolers to ‘I spy a shape with 5 sides’ or even ‘I spy a right angle.’

But don’t just limit this game to language and math! I Spy can get them thinking about how other people think/feel by asking to spy something that would make someone laugh, or I spy someone being kind. 

Finally, turn the tables and let them be the “I Spy” master too!

This is the perfect game to play when you have to wait somewhere and are looking for something to pass the time (that isn’t pulling out a digital device). My favorite place to play it is at the grocery store because there are just so many different things to SPY for. 

They stay entertained, you get to connect and engage, and there’s a little learning on the side. 
