When I worked on a project teaching math to preschoolers in NYC, teachers used a puppet they called “Mr. Mix Up” and he would get EVERYTHING wrong. While counting, he’d count something twice or skip a number… and the kids would scream out ‘NOOOOO! That’s not the right answer!,’ and then gleefully correct him. 

To say the kids had a blast playing this was an understatement… They LOVED this game. And, the teacher got to reinforce their understanding about counting in a super fun way.

This is one of those games you can play with your child for a tiny moment of connection. Just get something wrong… and let them correct you. 

YOU: Oh, look that stop light turned blue, that means we can go. THEM: Green means go!!

YOU: The sun is shining, I guess that means we’ll get rain. THEM: It only rains when it is cloudy!

YOU: First, I’m going to pour the flour in the muffin tin, and then I will put the milk in the bowl. THEM: You have to mix them together BEFORE you pour it in the muffin tin!

You get the idea.

Follow up your mistake with an exaggerated, ‘are you sure? How do you know?’ or ask them to show you how to do it ‘right.’ They’ll love being YOUR teacher for a moment. This is a great game to play when you find yourself needing to pass the time or keep them engaged, like in a waiting room or at the grocery store. 

Get silly with it. Sure, they’ll build on their learning just by talking through and thinking about what is wrong with what you’re saying, but this isn’t about TEACHING them anything. It’s about enjoying a moment and laughing together.