Why another parenting site?

Yeah… I get it. There are a million people telling you the “best” way to parent…It’s all so confusing!

Here’s why we’re different…


why Tiny Parenting?


Imagine feeling confident as a parent because you know what your child really needs… and what else is just hype.

Imagine having less anxiety and more fun as a parent.

Imagine being able to achieve this without spending any more money… or more time.

Tiny Parenting gives you these gifts.

You’ll learn how to make the most out of tiny moments of connection. Simple, easy-to-do opportunities to engage, explore and enjoy.

It’s a system I developed from working with the leading researchers in the field of child development for nearly 20 years.

And I know it works because it’s how I parented my now-teenaged daughter. I’ve been there, done that… and I want to share my experiences with you.

Tiny Parenting lets you cut through the overwhelm of parenting young children. Let’s toss the guilt… and enjoy the journey!

my story

how I got here…

My name is Amy McCampbell, the incredibly proud mom of an amazing, now ALMOST adult daughter. (That’s her playing in the sand above!)

My parenting work is pretty much done – I think I did a good job at it – so I’m sharing what I’ve learned through Tiny Parenting. What worked (and even what didn’t!) and how I survived from Toddlerhood to Teen.

The key: I focused on the TINY moments and that made all the difference.

How did I figure this out? Well, I have spent nearly 20 years working with the leading researchers in the field of child development. (Conveniently, I had a child during that time!) Tiny Parenting is the culmination of this work.

Here are some of my bona fides (not only sharing my ‘vibes’ here!):

Producer, Mind in the Making video series on how children learn, seen by nearly 1 billion viewers and distritubted worldwide by the Bezos Foundation. I also contributed to the accompanying best-selling book.

Producer, Parents Action for Children English- and Spanish-language parenting education video series for Rob Reiner’s foundation. Some of our topics included what quality preschool looks like, parenting a child with special needs, and fatherhood.

Consultant, Making Pre-K Count initiative to introduce play-based early math into preschool and kindergarten programs in New York City.

Producer, Brazelton Touchpoints Center video series for Head Start’s National Center of Parent, Family & Community Engagement

And, my most important credit:

Mom to my confident, thoughtful, & engaged daughter! But don’t believe me, this is what people tell me about her:

“She’s the kind of kid we get once in a decade.” – one of her high school teachers

“She is always kind, handles herself with confidence, and is the kind of person who will make wise choices” – a neighborhood parent

To get here took a lot of intention, but perhaps not as much work as you might think. Dig around here and I’ll show you how I did it – and how you can incorporate this mindset into your own parenting!

– Amy

passing along

a few things I’ve learned…


Biggest Parenting Win

Having other parents tell me they look at my daughter as an example for their own kids


Fave Parenting Books

“Einstein Never Used Flash Cards” & “How Babies Talk,” both by Roberta Golinkoff & Kathy Hirsh-Pasek were my true go-to references. And… of course “Mind in the Making” by my mentor and colleague, Ellen Galinsky, changed my parenting life forever!


Biggest Parenting Fail

She doesn’t make her bed every day – but, hey, there’s still time to learn!


Favorite Parenting Hack

Playing “I Spy” was the game I could play anywhere… We had fun together, it kept her engaged, AND she learned how to observe the world around her.


What I worried most about parenting a toddler & preschooler

Holy cow… this little person is so vulnerable in this big, complex, & challenging world! How can I let her explore it AND protect her at the same time?


What I worry most about parenting a teenager

Holy cow… this person is so vulnerable in this big, complex, & challenging world! How can I let her explore it AND protect her at the same time?

(Different ages, same concerns!)

watch this space!

Coming soon:

The Tiny Parenting Podcast

The Tiny Parenting Podcast will be where I can share with you the same strategies and tips that got me through parenting – all based on the science of early learning.

Don’t worry – I know you’re super busy, so the podcast will be super short episodes (like 5 minutes) so you can listen to them while you’re doing your life… you know, like Tiny Parenting!

Tiny Parenting Podcast Launch Date...








Hours of Operation

10:00am – 1:00pm
4:00pm – 10:30pm

3:00pm – 10:30pm

We are closed

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Don’t be shy. Let us know if you have any questions!