Believe it or not, I picked up this one from my favorite online yoga courses, @BadYogi Studio. In the middle of a class called “Yoga Nap” (I mean, how can you not love a class like that?!), the teacher (Erin) gave this prompt:

“Be aware of what the face is doing. What is your expression saying? What is it telling your brain? Are you wearing tense or are you wearing peace?”

I heard that question and instantly my face melted into relaxation. Because, even though I was in this restorative class, I was still ‘wearing’ the stress of the busy day on my face… I could feel it in my jaw, my furrowed brow. But once I released the tension in my face… I was instantly more chill.

And it got me thinking just how much our faces reflect whatever stress we have in our lives… and how much of that we pass on to our children.

At some point, we all get anxious or overwhelmed… and it shows.. and then our kids very often pick up on our frantic energy and make it their own. This quote by Tina Payne Bryson in the book Hunt, Gather, Parent says it all: “Emotions are contagious.” 

At this moment, for example, we are all living through a particularly unsettling time. We are worried, fearful, and concerned about everything that is happening with the pandemic. But are we wearing that fear and worry? Or are we wearing confidence or comfort? The answer to that question, may give you a clue as to how your children are handling it all. Ask yourself, how is the energy I am giving out impacting the people around me, especially my children?

When you see your child feeling emotionally out of sorts and you want to help them get grounded, one of the first places to explore is whether or not they are reflecting back something they see/feel from us… What emotion am I wearing on my face? See if ‘putting on’ a face of peace changes the moment. 

(And if it doesn’t… maybe take a nice, relaxing yoga class and find that face of peace! 🧘‍♀️