Tiny Tips


We’ve got quick & easy things for you to do to make the most out of your tiny moments with your children!


(No extra time, money, or crafting supplies needed!)


The simple trick to making math more fun for kids

Add math to EVERYTHING! Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash Hold up... if your first thought is 'Um, not DOING math 'cause I can't do math,' then you're the perfect person for this tip. You're probably thinking, how can I get my child to love doing...

The 15 Minute Miracle to Happier Parenting

If you follow only one parenting tip, let it be this one: spend 15 minutes (phone free) with your child everyday. Most of us have pretty busy and complicated lives. It can be easy to get caught up in everything and forget to stop and focus…. Especially on our...

How to Talk With (not TO) Your Child

Mastering the art of "Serve & Return" in conversations with your children is the best parenting practice you can do to connection and skills. 'Serve and return' is the responsive way in which you engage with your child. The back and forth where you listen and...

You CAN be tech-free together

It's the weekend (and a rainy one here on the east coast!) so it's the perfect time to find a few moments of connection with your children.  Here are a few tech-free ideas that don't take any time but build memories and can help a child feel valued. They do...

Mindset shift: Keep them ‘engaged’ instead of keep them ‘busy’

I’ve been thinking that as parents we should try to get rid of the phrase ‘keep them busy’ & swap it out for “keep them engaged.’  When we say ‘keep them busy,’ we're really saying, ‘get them out of my hair!’ I have to get something done, like a doctor’s visit, a...

Avoid the urge to google!

This could be the hardest thing EVER! Because we all want the answers RIGHT AWAY. Your child asks you a question about something you see in the world… ‘why is the sky blue?’ or ‘why don’t birds have hands?’  Or they ask something like ‘where did the dinosaurs...

Get it wrong – on purpose

When I worked on a project teaching math to preschoolers in NYC, teachers used a puppet they called “Mr. Mix Up” and he would get EVERYTHING wrong. While counting, he’d count something twice or skip a number… and the kids would scream out ‘NOOOOO! That’s not the right...

4 Ways to Spark Thinking

One of the easiest ways to Tiny Parent is to ask questions. I’m not talking about grilling them like a detective on Law Order, DUNH DUNH! - what’s that color; how many birds do you see, what kind of shape is that - but actually starting a conversation with them about...

Why ‘I Spy’ is THE BEST trick

Playing I Spy is a favorite way to Tiny Parent because: you can do it anywhere🌼you don't need anything special to play it 🌼kids love it 🌼And... it's a really fun way to build in some learning With toddlers, start up with something simple like ‘I spy the...

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