of all the times you worry about not parenting the 'right' way


you feel overwhelmed by all the information out there


you feel like maybe you should be doing more, but you're just not sure what


you want your child to thrive in a fast-changing world


you don't always know what to do, but you know you are trying your best

...there is Tiny Parenting

Finding the POWER in the TINY moments with your children

These are the moments where magic happens.
Where they learn about



& the PEOPLE around them.

Rooted in the science of how children learn, Tiny Parenting shares information you can easily build into the things you are already doing in your day.
You’ll learn more about your children.
You’ll learn more about yourself as a parent.
And you’ll learn how to help your children become CURIOUS, CREATIVE, and CONNECTED people. 

Want to learn the TINY Secrets to Helping Your Child LET THAT -ISH GO When Things Don't Go as Planned...

What we're talking about

The simple trick to making math more fun for kids
Add math to EVERYTHING! Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash Hold up... if your first thought is 'Um, not DOING math 'cause I can't do math,' then you're the perfect person for this tip. You're probably thinking, how can I get my child to love doing...
The 15 Minute Miracle to Happier Parenting
If you follow only one parenting tip, let it be this one: spend 15 minutes (phone free) with your child everyday. Most of us have pretty busy and complicated lives. It can be easy to get caught up in everything and forget to stop and focus…. Especially on our...
How to Talk With (not TO) Your Child
Mastering the art of "Serve & Return" in conversations with your children is the best parenting practice you can do to connection and skills. 'Serve and return' is the responsive way in which you engage with your child. The back and forth where you listen and...
You CAN be tech-free together
It's the weekend (and a rainy one here on the east coast!) so it's the perfect time to find a few moments of connection with your children.  Here are a few tech-free ideas that don't take any time but build memories and can help a child feel valued. They do...

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